Don’t choose lesser of the two evils. Invent a new system

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Once in few decade there are humans that will change the course of history. Pretty much in any field. Athletes, musicians, scientists and even politicians. They change the course of their field and set a new yardstick for future generations to come. Seeing, hearing and experiencing those moments are motivational. I being a couch potato, get this warm fuzzy feeling seeing youtube videos of those. But that’s not what this blog post is about.

This is about those rest of the years in between where a yardstick has already been set and we’re just waiting for someone else to setup a new one. These filler years are extremely boring. I feel we’re going through such a period these days, politically speaking.

In pretty much any country, the overwhelming opposition voice seems to be “we’re good because we’re the lesser evil considering your other choice”. Which makes me sick in my stomach. Boomers will assert that it has always been the case. Then they will spend the next fourty five minutes justifying their camp is what make the world move forward. Feels like diarrhea after the stomach ache If I’m honest.

The system is broken.

Choosing lesser of the two evil is not the right choice to fix a broken system. We must invent a new system. Fixing a broken system takes a person to set a new yardstick. That type of a person will be at least a few decades away still. LKY has been a great example of a new yardstick.

How would we create a new system? Hold that thought, I need to finish my 7 minute workout.