What you don’t know will kill you. Slowly with bad teeth and cancer.

Mark Ruffalo in Dark Waters (2019)
Dark Waters. The movie (Image from IMDB)

TL;DR – Stop what you’re doing and watch it now. Yes, you can because you’re working from home. Just kidding.

Dark Waters is a true story about how private companies poison and kill people in the name of “progress” and profits.

Story revolves around a lawyer that finds out that a landfill leaked harmful chemicals to a city’s water supply and then essentially poisoned a small town of 70000 people. Well written story. There are several articles that reviews the movie online that downplay some of the dramatic events. This one for example.

This is making me doubt pretty much everything. Is the non-stick pan marketing PFOA free a safe thing? Is dish soap safe? One can never be sure. Also, did you know that every single plece of plastic ever made still exist? These man made chemicals has a massive toll on our lives. Yet we go about doing our business completely oblivious to what’s happening around us. What humans are doing to other humans. What humans are doing to us. It’s come to a point where it’s no longer someone else’s problem. It’s your problem. It’s my problem. It’s everyone’s problem. What we don’t know will not hurt us right? Wrong.

We need to go back to simple things. It’s not always hard. However, they can be a lot more healthier than alternatives. Reusable bags. No processed food. Food as natural to it’s original form as possible. Food with as much as less chemicals. Organic food. Stainless steel pans. Wooden spoons. Soap and water.

With this day and age, it’s not possible to prevent everything. Prevent as much as possible. Try to change our lives as much as possible. Maybe we will have a better future.

That reminds me to order some Soylent.

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